So that's my update on my blog! AND NOW- I want to talk to you about one of my most TREASURED titles. "Auntie Brit"
I'm an auntie to five beautiful children.
Yes, FIVE is correct. But this first happen when I was 13 years old. I became an aunt to twin boys-
Elijah & Jonah.
Elijah (curly hair) and Jonah (straight hair) Age:4 here
AHH! They are so CUTE! :)

Jasmine Rose

Jasmine (6 years old now) and I

My birthday sake! Let's take a walk down memory lane: August 31st- My mom came in the room at 3:30 AM and said " I'm going to Jaime and Cristy's! Cristy is in Labor and its your birthday!"
I jumped out of bed and started getting ready at 4:00 A.M. because 1. its my birthday ( had to get a start on my day) and 2. I was going to have a NIECE BORN on my BIRTHDAY! ( and there would be photos)
I went over to be with my mom at the house ( because the 3 other kids were still sleeping) and I woke them up singing happy birthday to myself.
We got ready and arrived to mason city by 6:30 AM.
Went to Perkins and had a birthday breakfast.
and Somewhere around 7 something my brother called and said VIOLET JOY had been born at 7:00AM.
Crazy part? I was born at 7:03AM! so we are 23 years and 3 min apart.

So as you can tell, Violet has captured my heart. and every time I see her. My heart gets happy and I can't help but kiss her a MILLION times. Her and I have a VERY special bond and it maybe because we have the same birthday or because we are both crazy:) She loves when I act all out of control. She sits there laughing and wants me to keep being crazy. I LOVE HER:) and I know we will be best buds!
Judah Barton James
He's just a little guy. So sweet. and CUTE! I will never forget the first time I saw him. (as I write this I start to cry) I got to be in the room as my sister gave birth to this little man. It was the most INTENSE, CRAZY, Life changing moments! I think I went through EVERY EMOTION in that delivery room and as soon as he came out, I started SOBBING and ran over to the table to get a good look at him and as he laid there SCREAMING loudly, He looked at me. and again, I fell in love. HE IS A STUD! and even though he lives a state away. He knows his auntie LOVES him so MUCH! :)
When we first met:)
Auntie and BABY JUDAH!
Isn't he ADORABLE!??!?!?!? =)
I thank God for these five and pray that they continue to grow up healthy and have a HEART FOR GOD! I also pray that I'm the BEST auntie to them and make sure they are always LOVED and spoiled:) But not the bratty spoiled of course!
SHOUT OUT TO my siblings that made this all possible: James&Cristy and Joel&Brook! :)