SO FIRST OF ALL I WOULD LIKE TO SAYYYY Thank you Libby & Beka....You Two would sit there and Talk about who "follows" you!...
I ( brittany) WANTS FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Did you see Regina's New Blog?" Libby would ask Beka
"NO! I didnt.. But I WANT TO! wait a minute, Who is Regina?! "-me
" Did you see how Cute Tammy's Family Pictures turned out?!- L&B
"NO!..I don't have a BLOG!"- me
"Did you hear I have a New Follower from PARIS?!" - Beka to Libby
" did you see how cute Jamie's dress was at church today?!- Libby to Beka
"NO!!!!! I DONT BLO- oh wait.. are we not talking about blogging? Yes, yes! I saw it! " - me
So Today.. I woke up Knowing that it would be a Snow Day...and today, Blogging would be a new part of my life... :)
Here I sit...Typing my first post.... My heart is pounding.. and I keep thinking..WHAT IF NO ONE FOLLOWS ME?!?!
Okay.. I'm calm again....
Heyyy Pretty lady!!! Come join me on my blog and lets swap some stories. It just seems like we might be pretty good darn ffriends :) LOVEEE!