..A few weeks ago while still in the full swing of Master's...I was aware it would be coming to an end and summer would begin...and to most people they are excited for that "freedom". . No curfew, no covenant, no director or leader keeping you accountable, basically you get to do anything you want and not be in that "SAFE BUBBLE"....and I started to PANIC! Mainly because when I graduated from High School (having been there k-12)...I went into the "real world" and thats when I was removed from my bubble...I could do what I wanted and not have all the "rules"....it was like CULTURE SHOCK!...I was not prepared and grounded in Christ..I wanted to do what I wanted...and that was my downward spiral of not living for God...and experiencing the things of the world. . it ended up being the MOST MISERABLE time in my life. . .
- -So here I am in Master's......In a BUBBLE again!... I ENJOY this bubble and knowing it was coming to an end I started to feel uneasy about it and started doubting all the WONDERFUL things God had done in my life this year...everyday that graduation grew near..I had doubt rising in me...and faced the question "What if I fail?"....and that's when I just got before God..and cried out to him.. and through that process...He comforted me. and spoke such life to me. . .why was I doubting?... It was because satan hides in the shadow of MY STRENGTH and he LOVES when he catches me off gaurd and I fall on my face and buy into his lies..
To be honest-I'm not at all confident in myself this summer. . I can't say that I wont mess up...But, I can say that I'm CONFIDENT in MY GOD. and that He wont let me go, and through HIS STRENGTH I will overcome my flesh.....and depend on God, when my weakness is in God, it becomes strength...not by me..but by God!
I pray for an INTENSE summer and that I will grow more these 3 months than I did in my 9 months of Master's. and I CHALLENGE each of you to lay down all your strength at the feet of Jesus. He can do so much more with it than we can....
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