Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can this FINALLY be happening?!?!

The Past Week I have had this on my mind... Every Time I thought about getting on the computer I would think.."You need to start a blog.. all the cool people are doing it!"  but i never brought myself to it...So..I have been BLOGGING in my head! YES!!!......a Weeks worth Piled up in my head!...

  SO FIRST OF ALL I WOULD LIKE TO SAYYYY Thank you Libby & Beka....You Two would sit there and Talk about who "follows" you!...  

I ( brittany) WANTS FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Did you see Regina's New Blog?" Libby would ask Beka    
 "NO! I didnt.. But I WANT TOwait a minute, Who is Regina?! "-me  

" Did you see how Cute Tammy's Family Pictures turned out?!- L&B   
"NO!..I don't have a BLOG!"- me   

"Did you hear I have a New Follower from PARIS?!" - Beka to Libby

" did you see how cute Jamie's dress was at church today?!- Libby to Beka     
"NO!!!!! I DONT BLO-  oh wait.. are we not talking about blogging? Yes, yes! I saw it! " - me   


 So Today.. I woke up Knowing that it would be a Snow Day...and today, Blogging would be a new part of my life... :)   

   Here I sit...Typing my first post....  My heart is pounding.. and I keep thinking..WHAT IF NO ONE FOLLOWS ME?!?! 

Okay.. I'm calm again....

1 comment:

  1. Heyyy Pretty lady!!! Come join me on my blog and lets swap some stories. It just seems like we might be pretty good darn ffriends :) LOVEEE!
