Monday, June 27, 2011

New blog design which means....A WHOLE NEW BLOG! :)

BLUHM [bloom]
1. the flower of a plant.

–verb (used without object) produce or yield blossoms.
16. to flourish or thrive: a recurrent fad that blooms from time to time.
17. to be in or achieve a state of healthful beauty


Okay!....I Love my last name..its so pretty...and I love pretty things:) I sometimes think about when I have to change my last name.. and it just makes me so sad! My goal....To marry a guy with an AMAZING last name.  Of course thats not all I will be looking for in a guy.... but it helps:) I do know I dont want to have "B" for a last name. "BB"....or lets use my middle name..."BMB"... big mouth Brittany....or Brittany's mouths big. but.. I just want God's will.. So, I will stop being fussy.

Now that we have that covered... My blog will be on the things listed above above: Pretty things, people, life, hair, crafts, humor, anything and everything that's lovely!

Obvious reasons to why I picked these topics..
#1 Pretty things- I'm obsessed with anything pretty. Examples of what I find pretty. 
I LOVE LOVE LOVE vintage antiques, glitter, flowers, clouds, stars, bright colors, jewelry, headbands, wedding dresses, weddings in general, fabric, a great hair color&cut...or updo! and my list goes on:)....


#2 PEOPLE- I will be featuring people either weekly..or a couple times a month. We will see where it takes us:)

#3 LIFE-  God is the biggest part of my life....So EXPECT to hear about Him:)..because I LOVE to talk about Him. and all the WONDERFUL things He has done in my life....:) I will share experiences..and just AWESOME things about this life we live:)

#4 HAIR-  You may not know this.. but I'm a hair stylist... yes, I know.. sometimes my hair is a wreck, and I am sure you are thinking.." SHE IS A HAIR STYLISTS?!".. yes! It's true! I went to school for it. It was a passion of mine for sometime & I LOVE the artsy side of it... you can be SO CREATIVE and really just be YOU. I learned while in school you didn't have to follow the rules exactly..throw "you" into it. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT:) I took my own approach :) I still enjoy doing hair & I LOVE MY CLIENTS!.... I've learned a lot from it!

#5 CRAFTS- I have already talked about being artsy and creative but, I will expand on this... My mom is so CRAFTY! She is AMAZING at any crafty/creative thing you put in front of her. I LOVE having a mom like this & I'm so thankful she gave me a little of her crafty side:)...I hope to be doing A LOT this summer with crafts...& expanding my talent:)..and I will be pulling my mom into it. We already are booked for an ART SHOW in the fall!! So excited! :)
#6 HUMOR- I LOVE to laugh. I love to joke. I love to make people laugh!..I hate when a moment gets really intense (bad problems, fights, someone is hurt...etc)  so, I will say something to make people laugh... is it always appropriate? No...But...we need to have comic relief somehow. :)
#7 Anything&Everything that's Lovely- weddings, babies, Jesus, love, laughter, pictures, family, friends, places, art, and if I get to know you.....YOU! :).....etc.

    Well this is the end....But, I promise to be on here A LOT more & fill you in on all these topics!! :) I'm