Thursday, July 14, 2011

Surrounded by LOVELY things!

                                  WELCOME TO IOWA!!!! :)

     I have lived here for 22 years. That's MY WHOLE LIFE! and I've traveled a lot of places and seen amazing things. But like Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz- " there's no place like home"

    I've heard time after time people complain about Iowa. How Iowa has NOTHING. and..." it's so boring to drive through because all they have there are corn fields"  and in most of our small towns we don't have stores that stay open past 9pm. & the closest Starbucks to us is 45 minutes away....and the list goes on....

    When you grow up in a small town Iowa- you learn to appreciate the small things! We always look forward to going to a BIG city for the day to enjoy shopping..and to get Starbucks coffee! What a TREAT:)

    In IOWA- our summer "breath taking" view is the STARS at night. We can lay out on the road and star gaze!..One night I counted 33 shooting stars! was so BEAUTIFUL!

    We have lightning bugs (Fireflies)....they go out in fields..(THOUSANDS of them) and they light up..OFF and ON.. OFF and ON....its all sparkly and looks like glitter! I LOVE GLITTER! 

      Just today I was driving looking at my view......of course it was-->  CORN FIELDS.... and they NEVER get old to me..perfectly lined up. All the trees, grass, corn, beans, & field land are a CRISP GREEN.. and to go with the green we have the blue sky with- WHITE fluffy clouds.

  Its all so beautiful to me.  and I'm always shocked when people think its not, or they say its boring.-->They haven't been paying attention to what we have here...its a form of Simplicity. We don't need tall buildings, Starbucks, Taxi's, Designer Clothes, Celebrities, Mountains, 10,000 lakes ;), Oceans, and so on..

 We have all we need here-& when we want all those other things...we will travel! (just like all you city folk will travel here when you want to get away from the busy "city life" :) 

 NOW! Don't get me wrong...I do love Cities... and I know they have special things about them... But this is my homeland...and while I'm here living I will enjoy the small things & take pride in them!

    Here are some pictures of my home.. and what I'm surrounded by daily. . . . 

     the mail box.


Vines that are growing onto our drive way.

     the side view of my home-

Our pond across the road <3

     another view
Pond #2- The pond behind our house. I love the dock & weeping willow!

     One of my dad's gardens...

        a cute little shed that has been a recent addition this past year:)

    IN FRONT of our house.. we have a corn field- it fits PERFECT:)

  I encourage you today as you are out and about to notice your surroundings and to find the beauty in them. Look for the simplicity and take in all that God gave us to enjoy!

Living Lovely in Iowa,


  1. Love your Blog BRITTANY!!!!!!!!!!! Your place has always been SOOO beautiful!!! You are so blessed! :) Love you!
